
Programme overview Information and Communication Technologies are increasingly becoming part and parcel of our everyday life. While IT has its origin from the developed nations, developing countries are now the major investment target of the technologies. This includes investment on the use of IT for education and other social services. Investment in IT for education includes preparing students at secondary schools to enter career in IT/computer science and the use of IT as a means to improve performance on teaching and educational management. In recognition of the need to harmonise, control and manage the use of IT in education, recently the Zanzibar Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has introduced the IT policy in education. Similar efforts are underway for the Tanzania (Mainland) Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. Both the policy and plan of action are under high stage of development. One of the areas highlighted, in addition to teaching computing at secondary education is the introduction of IT subjects at primary schools and the effective use of IT at schools and teachers centres to improve sector performance.

Course Name
Communication Skills
 Microcomputer Application
 Foundations of Programming I
  Development Studies 1
Introduction to philosophy of Education

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